What is
Cryo | Cryotherapy
| Cryostimulation
and benefits
Benefits of Cryotherapy & Cryostimulation
Cryotherapy and Cryostimulation are often used interchangeably. Yet, I would challenge that the words therapy and simulation are quite different, and thus so are Cryotherapy and Cryostimulation. Cryotherapy includes a wide range of Cold therapies. Cryostimulation is a therapy that includes cold and a stimulator, such as blowing air.
Cryo body ReVive uses the most advanced cryotherapy device on the market. The therapy of this device can include the cold being delivered at over 200 PSI, which definitely means stimulation. Not only do you have stimulation, you have increased results and quicker treatments - 30 to 90 seconds each.

CRYO means Icy Cold, Extreme Cold. Cryo is a prefix and also slang for Cryotherapy. Cold therapies have used to treat pain, well, since before Christ. The History of Cryotherapy includes: In 400 BC, Hippocrates used cold to treat swelling and pain

Cryotherapy is any cold therapy. Cryotherapy includes ice packs, whole body croyotherapy chambers, and localized cryotherapy.

Cryo Body ReVive has only the most advanced devices on the market for our clients. We are the only location within an hour of Pinellas county an advanced cryotherapy device that treats that problem area in less than 5 minutes.