Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy
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Molecular hydrogen therapy – a promising new approach to human health
Peer-reviewed research suggests H2 therapy can help combat top 10 ailments listed by the American Centre for Disease Control
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Peer-reviewed research, quoted by MHI, suggests H2 therapy can help to combat the top 10 deadly diseases listed by the American Centre for Disease Control, and that it has therapeutic potential in more than 170 human/animal disease models, in every organ in the body, and without chronic toxic side effects. Hydrogen therapy is certified as safe by the US Food and Drug Administration.
What is Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy?
Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy
Healing at a cellular level
Eyes, Lungs, Brain, Inflammation, Energy Metabolism
Emerging clinical trials show benefits in these areas and more:
Reduces Oxidative Stress
Decreases Inflammation
Supports Brain Health
Enhances Recovery
Enhances Performance
Improve Respiratory Health
Muscle Recovery in Athletes
Simply Amazing
Functionality You Will Love
What does it do for Lungs?
Peer Reviewed Study
What does hydrogen do to your lungs?
Hydrogen treatment can reduce the degree of inflammation in lung tissues, inhibit early and late NF-κB activation-mediated inflammation and pulmonary cell apoptosis, and markedly attenuate neutrophil recruitment caused by LPS.
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In recent years, a series of studies have confirmed that hydrogen (H2), a weakly reductive gas, also has therapeutic effects on various cancers and can mitigate oxidative stress caused by radiation and chemotherapy, reducing tissue damage and immunosuppression to improve prognosis.
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Molecular hydrogen is the simplest and most abundant molecule in the universe, yet its potential in health science is just beginning to be tapped. Unlike the hydrogen gas used industrially, molecular hydrogen used in health applications is a colorless, odorless, non-toxic gas. It offers therapeutic benefits without the risk of toxicity that hydrogen in other forms might pose.
At a molecular level, hydrogen is remarkably effective due to its size and bioavailability. It can easily cross cell membranes and penetrate the blood-brain barrier, a feature many other antioxidants cannot match. This allows it to exert antioxidant properties throughout the body, including areas typically hard to reach.
Health Benefits:
The health benefits of molecular hydrogen are wide-ranging. Research suggests that it acts as a selective antioxidant, neutralizing particularly harmful free radicals, such as hydroxyl radicals, while leaving beneficial radicals untouched. This selective activity helps reduce oxidative stress, which is linked to chronic inflammation and various diseases.
Emerging research suggests that molecular hydrogen offers a multifaceted approach to wellness, with potential benefits ranging from enhancing energy metabolism to reducing inflammation. Beyond its role in metabolic syndrome management, which encompasses conditions like high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, and abnormal cholesterol levels, molecular hydrogen shows promise in various areas of health. This includes supporting muscle recovery in athletes, alleviating symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, and aiding in the management of conditions such as:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
As research continues, the therapeutic potential of molecular hydrogen in combating these and other health challenges continues to unfold, offering hope for improved well-being and quality of life.